Complaints Policy



MP Awards is committed to providing a quality service and achieving the highest standards of conduct. One of the ways in which MP Awards can continue its high level of service is by listening and responding to the views of its customers in relation to any complaints they might have. 


Scope of Policy

This policy covers complaints from:

  • candidates
  • employers
  • centres
  • the general public
  • all other stakeholders who interact with MP Awards    


Purpose of Policy 

The policy is designed to make a complaint as easy as possible by ensuring that MP Awards:

  • treats a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction 
  • treats the complaint seriously 
  • deals with it promptly and politely 
  • responds in an appropriate way - for example, with an explanation, or an apology when things have gone wrong 
  • learns from complaints, uses them to improve services, and ensures that all complaints and the outcomes are recorded
  • does not disclose information that would breach confidentiality or any other legal duty


Examples of Complaints

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about MP Awards’ services, products, action or lack of action. The following list are some examples:

  • conversations/communication with MP Awards which do not meet your expectations
  • poor/difficult relationships with MP Awards’ personnel affecting delivery or assessment
  • evidence that MP Awards is not meeting its Customer Service standards
  • incorrect or confusing communication or advice 


Approved Centre Responsibility

An Approved Centre is required to have its own Centre complaints policy concerning internal assessment of MP Awards’ qualifications for candidates. Candidates must be informed of the Centre’s complaints process, so if they wish to do so, they can make a complaint.  The Centre arrangements must be transparent and accessible in order that complaints from candidates can be received, considered and resolved fairly. 


MP Awards’ Responsibility 

MP Awards, as part of conducting external quality assurance monitoring, may check at any time that Centre staff and candidates are aware of the contents and purpose of this policy.  


The Steps Informal Stage

Approved Centres in the first instance are encouraged to discuss any complaints with the complainant and should endeavour to resolve the matter to the mutual satisfaction of the Approved Centre and Candidate. 

MP Awards has found that most complaints are normally resolved at this stage.


If a resolution is not reached as an outcome of this informal stage, then the next step is to move onto the stages outlined below; 

Stage 1 – In writing

All formal Complaints must be made in writing.

 Please submit your complaint via email to:

 [email protected]

When submitting a complaint please include the following information:

  • your name, address and contact details
  • full details of your complaint i.e., who; what; when and where it happened; details of others involved if relevant
  • the informal steps you have already taken to resolve the issue
  • if your complaint was against an MP Awards Approved Centre, the formal steps have they taken and any outcomes 
  • any information or evidence that supports the complaint
  • your expectations in terms of a resolution 


If the complaint involves an allegation of maladministration or malpractice, please refer to MP Awards’ Maladministration and Malpractice Policy.

If the complaint involves an appeal regarding a judgement made, please refer to MP Awards’ Appeals Policy.

MP Awards will acknowledge a complaint within 10 working days from the date of receipt and log onto the company complaints log. 

The person appointed to investigate and resolve the complaint will depend on the nature and subject of the complaint and will be in line with any conflicts of interest. Normally complaints will be investigated by the Head of Qualifications and Compliance. 

The appointed person will propose a resolution to a complaint and notify the complainant of the course of action and timescale. MP Awards aims to resolve complaints within 20 working days; however, if further information needs to be gathered an interim response will be provided to explain what is being done to deal with the complaint and when a full response can be expected.

If the complainant accepts the proposed action, then their response will be logged in the complaints log as acceptable.

The complaint will be resolved, and the log will be reviewed at management team meetings as part of the lessons learned process.


Stage 2 – Escalation 

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response to their complaint, a further review can be requested within 10 working days of the date of the decision letter.   You will need to provide any further information to support your complaint.  Your request will be referred to the General Manager who would not have been involved in the original complaint to complete the review. However, the General Manager of MP Awards will only carry out a review if there is a clear reason for making the request and areas of concern.  

The General Manager aims to resolve the escalated complaint within 20 working days; however, if this necessitates detailed investigations to be undertaken, MP Awards will provide an interim response to explain what is being done to deal with the complaint and when a full response can be expected.


Stage 3 - Final

If you are still not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you can request a further review of it within 10 working days of the date of the decision letter. Your request will be referred to MPQC Council who will appoint a panel of its membership to undertake an independent review of the complaint, supporting evidence and any documentation related to the previous stages. If the matter was previously referred to the MPQC Council; this panel will comprise of members not previously involved in any review. MPQC Council panel will only carry out a review if there is a clear reason/s for making the request. MPQC Council panel will provide an outcome within 20 working days of receipt of the further request other than in exceptional circumstances, involving more complex issues.  

The decision of the independent MPQC Council panel will be final.

Possible Outcomes at each Stage

  • Complaint is not upheld – matter closed unless escalated; however, MP Awards may wish to return to a process of informal discussion regarding any outstanding issues.
  • Complaint is upheld – if a complaint is upheld then MP Awards will take the appropriate action. MP Awards will not disclose with the complainant any disciplinary action in which it may engage with MP Awards’ staff or associates or sanctions it has taken against an Approved Centre. 

Taking a Complaint Further

On occasions where you are still not satisfied with the final response from MPQC Council; you may refer your complaint to the appropriate Regulatory Body.


Anonymous complaints

MP Awards will only investigate complaints from anonymous sources where there is sufficient detail provided to identify the issue/concern, individual/organisation involved, and the service/product implicated in the complaint. Complainants are advised that their details may be disclosed to the third party as part of the investigation process.  MP Awards will not investigate complaints involving a third party without this process being understood.


Continuous Improvement

MP Awards will undertake an exercise to identify if there is a failure in any of its services, products, policies or procedures as a result of a complaint and all reasonable steps will be taken to:   

  • identify others which may also be similarly affected
  • correct the failure or put in place actions to mitigate as far as possible the effect of the failure   
  • put in place arrangements to ensure that the failure does not recur in the future
  • notify all relevant stakeholders of any changes that may affect them and why


Zero Tolerance 

MP Awards is committed to the well-being of staff and clients and endeavours to provide services to all which are timely, efficient, courteous, and responsive.   

Consequently, it is expected that those using the services of MP Awards always treat staff and other clients with respect.

Verbal and physical abuse, harassment and disruptive behaviours from a Complainant are not acceptable.  In the event of any of these occurring MP Awards will not hesitate to take action which may lead to the withholding of services or pursuing legal proceedings.   


Retention of Documentation

MP Awards retains all documentation and records in relation to complaints for five years following the decision and outcomes of any such case.


Data Protection

Any information provided will be processed in accordance with data protection principles as set out in the data protection legislation current at that time of the event. Data will be processed only to ensure that all persons to whom this policy relates act in the best interests of MP Awards. The information provided will not be used for any other purpose.


Policy Review Arrangements

We may make changes to this policy from time to time and the latest version of the policy will always be displayed on our website. You should check this policy from time to time to see any updates.  


This policy was last updated on 1 August 2024

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