MPQC Level 3 Certificate in Safety, Health and Environmental Knowledge

Qualification detail

Safety, Health & Environmental
MPQC Level 3 Certificate in Safety, Health and Environmental Knowledge
The aim of this qualification is to demonstrate that the Learner has knowledge and understanding in relation to Health, Safety and Environmental awareness. It is achieved by completion of the programme which consists of a number of set modules provided through online learning and course attendance.
Assessment Method
It is expected that the programme will be completed by the Learner within 12 months, training and tutorials are to remain separate to the assessments. For this qualification all learning outcomes must be assessed using methods appropriate to the assessment of knowledge-based qualifications. The Learners will be required to completed a series of projects and on-line learning modules and where appropriate attend tutorials where completion of the work to an appropriate standard will required as part of the assessment.
Qualification Specification
This qualification is only available through the Approved Centre(s) listed below.
The following centres are approved to deliver this qualification:
Registration Cost

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